Database Setup
NFive requires a MySQL database, these instructions use the recommend MariaDB but any modern MySQL variant should work.
Download and install the latest MariaDB server for your system according to the instructions.
NFive needs full Unicode support which requires you to manually preconfigure your database server's default character set:
- character-set-server: utf8mb4
- collation-server: utf8mb4_unicode_520_ci
These options need to be set in your server's configuration file. Add the following to the bottom of the [mysqld]
section, if the section does not already exist then create it at the bottom of the file:
Don't forget to restart your server after making the configuration changes.
A preconfigured MariaDB server is included in the supplied NFive docker-compose configuration which does not require any further setup.
Database and Tables
NFive will automatically create both the full database it needs as well as all the tables within it on its first run, so make sure the MySQL user you provide NFive has the necessary permissions.