Solução de problemas
Expected Warnings
Os avisos abaixo são esperados e seguros para serem ignorados:
Couldn't find resource sessionmanager.
Server Errors
mysql Error: -1 : Unable to connect to any of the specified MySQL hosts.
Check your
configuration is correct and that a MySQL database is running and available.MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlPacket.ReadString
or similar MySQL read errorVerifique se os caracteres estão configurados corretamente para NFive. See Database Setup for instructions.
MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlException: Table '<database>.boothistories' doesn't exist
If you try to start the server for the first time and receive this error, simply drop the database and try again.
FiveM License Key
GlobalError: Could not authenticate server license key.
This error means you do not have a valid FiveM license key in
, make sure the file contains a validsv_licensekey
Client Errors
System.Runtime.Serialization.dll is not a platform image (even though the dir matches).
This error can be safely ignored.